Application report on underwater noise protection

Underwater noise protection, also known as a bubble curtain, is a technical noise protection system generated by air bubble systems.

Underwater animals that are particularly sensitive to hearing, such as whales or any other mammal species, suffer enormously from the noise pollution caused by the construction of offshore facilities such as oil platforms, wind farms and research platforms. Drilling and hammering create underwater noise pollution that is unimaginable. Due to the higher speed of sound, especially in salt water, the sound spreads better, faster and over a larger area. Sensitive sea creatures suffer extremely here.

The underwater noise protection is generated by an air bubble system, which is fed via a Compressor station, for example on a boat or in the offshore park itself. It is not uncommon for up to 24 Compressors to feed in Compressed air at the same time. The bubble curtain dampens the sound underwater and provides environmentally friendly noise protection.

In the picture, the boat on which the Compressor station is located can be clearly seen next to the bubble curtain. It is easy to imagine that enormous amounts of energy are required for such a bubble curtain, so optimized gassing can bring a great cost advantage. Monitoring the compressed air consumption is highly recommended.

Since the required Compressed air is gassed directly into the sea, it must be oil-free, otherwise the noise protection would pose an even greater danger to flora and fauna, the oiling of the world's oceans.